Counselling and Support - Pakistan English School

Counselling & Support

Counselling & Support

A counsellor provides students with support, guidance, and follow-up with academic stresses, as well as with emotional or relationship issues that may develop during the student’s academic career.

School counsellor system

Our school counsellors possess the knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes necessary to plan, organize, implement and evaluate a comprehensive and developmental school counselling program that promotes and enhances student success.

Behaviour Management Policy

The behaviour management policy reflects the importance we give to our school’s values - Respect, responsibility, equity, accountability, creativity and honesty. This policy makes our school a safe, caring and orderly learning environment in which the rights of all students to learn and all teachers to teach must be supported. This policy helps school management in making decisions to promote and maintain positive student behaviour, as well as respond to student misconduct.

Intervention Programs

Intervention programs aim to promote social-emotional skills and mental health in students. They help students improve at things they struggle with and focus on subjects, like English (reading, writing and spoken) and Mathematics. They are designed to track the progress of students.

